
Membership Options

From just moral support to active involvement.

Whether you want to just provide moral support, or actively assist through personal effort or funding contributions, we have an option for you.

With no-cost options, money (or the lack of it) is not an obstacle to helping to shape your future and the nation’s well-building.

Click the tabs below to explore Supporter, Member, Volunteer or Patron options.

Become a Supporter

It’s free. That’s right – £0.00. Because we’re not after your money. Just your adoration. OK – we will settle for your moral support.

We only need to know that you are in favour of political change, and that you want the kind of change that we’re advocating.

We will keep you informed on Time Party progress, and offer ways to help us, with minimal time, effort or commitment (such as liking or sharing social media posts). But we certainly won’t flood you with emails or promotional material.

Click here to register.

Become a Member

It’s just £15 for 3 years. Probably the best investment you will ever make in your future.

As a Member, you will be able to vote on the policies which the party advocates. And you will be entitled to vote in elections of party officers.

Of course, we will keep you informed on Time Party progress, and offer ways to help us, with minimal time, effort or commitment (such as liking or sharing social media posts).

Click here to register.

Become a Volunteer

Equivalent to a Member, but we waive the membership fee.

It’s not onerous to be a volunteer. We just ask for a little bit of help from time to time. You can do as much as you want, right down to the occasional assistance.

This is an annual registration. You can of course continue after the initial year, or revert to a standard Member registration.

Click here to register.

Become a Patron

Patrons make a minimum annual donation (2021 : £400). You can of course donate more.

If you prefer to pay in instalments, let us know by email to membership@timeparty.uk.

Patrons are registered as Members, with the same entitlements.

Click here to register.
