New young political parties tend to push a single agenda.
The Time Party is different. The Time Party is committed to fundamental reform.
A week in politics, they say, is a long time. But good policies stand the test of time.

Animal Welfare
The Time Party believes that animal welfare and rights in the UK have not progressed in recent years but, straining under the weight of managing welfare and rights of our increased human population and strict EU regulations, Animal rights have actually regressed. We will change that.

Banking Reform
The Time Party would go beyond current banking reform policy by radically correcting fractional reserve banking anomalies in the mortgage market. The party would also establish an Industrial Development Bank, together with regional banks devoted to long-term lending to SMEs. We would also monitor and support the rapidly growing digital banking sector.

Britain as a sovereign nation state must be prepared at all times to defend her independence. The Time Party will maintain the country's independent nuclear deterrent and adequately and responsibly resource our armed forces with a view to increasing their strength.

High quality education of all citizens is imperative to the continued success of our country. To this end, the Time Party will meet the needs of industry and cultivate the arts to create a balance in society. Vocational training will be promoted, alongside tertiary education.

Energy suppliers within the UK need to be subject to a healthy balance of competitive tender deriving their power from various distribution sources. The Time Party wishes to support all of the following, namely: Gas, Oil, Wave & Tidal, Coal, Wind and Nuclear (SMR only).

The Time Party aims to maintain a healthy balance between the environment and the needs of industry. UK wildlife and the countryside will be protected to ensure our children enjoy the maximum diversity of their natural inheritance.

The Time Party will ensure that Britain resumes responsibility for subsidising UK farmers as soon as we exit the EU. This payment system will be focused on increasing production. Under TIME, farmland will be protected from residential and industrial development.

The string desire of the majority of British people to see the UK Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) returned to 100% British control, post-Brexit, has not been met. However, the Time Party has looked at this important issue and now has a number of sensible proposals to suggest are propelled into government policy.

Foreign Relations
The Time Party will maintain and enhance good relations with countries all around the world. To this end we will increase the number of diplomatic missions abroad.
TIME will not support Britain’s involvement in war unless British interests are compromised. We will promote the concept of a Commonwealth-wide Free Trade Zone.

The Time Party is fully committed to maintaining the NHS. We approve of a centralised procurement agency to manage the cost and distribution of medication. We will depoliticise the NHS to remove government meddling and layers of bureaucracy.
Non-UK residents will require medical insurance to cover their stay in the UK.
We will ensure that hospital car parking is free to NHS staff and patients.

UK residential property is in short supply and this has fuelled an escalation of prices in the private sector and excessive waiting lists for social housing.
The Time Party's multi-level solution includes the regeneration of brownfield sites and streamlined planning legislation. TIME will vigorously promote a builder apprenticeship programme.

The UK has become one of the most densely populated countries in Europe. This has placed a huge strain upon public services. Immigration is responsible for more than half of our population growth. The Time Party believes that a more responsible and controlled system needs to be implemented, one which is genuinely beneficial to our country.

TIME will focus on the specific needs of UK manufacturing, construction, retail and services sectors. The Party will ensure that as developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) progress, so too will opportunities for workers. To improve productivity, the country's infrastructure will be upgraded and STEM education and training prioritised.

International Aid
TIME believes that the best way to help any developing country prosper is through a substantial increase in fair bilateral trade, whereby economies can grow exponentially through production and increased employment. Hand-outs do not achieve this, however well-intentioned.

The Time Party believes that the Justice system should treat all people equally with emphasis on the principle of being innocent until proven guilty. TIME will seek to improve the effectiveness of the police force through the use of a community evaluated system

For state pensions, the dynamic financial relationship between the employed who provide NI pension contributions and the retired who need pension support needs to be replaced with a protected sovereign wealth fund (SWF). TIME will achieve this over a 25 year period, whereby the present NI pension system is gradually replaced by the new SWF, at a rate of 4% per year.

Prison Reform
TIME believe the current state of our prison system is a national emergency. To this effect, and with utmost urgency, we will engage with all relevant groups to achieve change across a wide range of targets.

Recreational Cannabis
The Time Party acknowledges, respects and welcomes the availability of medicinal cannabis containing the active ingredient Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) on prescription from 1 November 2018.
We believe that there is ample justification for the holding of a referendum on the legalisation of cannabis as a recreational substance.

Reform of the United Kingdom
At present, there is a UK parliament at Westminster, a devolved Scottish parliament, a devolved Welsh Assembly, and a devolved Northern Ireland Assembly.
The Time Party seeks to further devolve power from Westminster, and the civil service based on Whitehall, by re-empowering the people of the varying and differing parts of the UK via a change in the constitutional structure.

Sport & Leisure
TIME will introduce, preserve and enhance sporting facilities in all educational establishments, along with facilities in inner cities providing safe environments for sport. We will also develop sport-in-the-community programmes, offering structured coaching to youth.
In recent years, Britain has seen a decline in the availability and participation in social leisure activities. The Party intends to rejuvenate the UK’s pubs and youth centres to rebuild community spirit and encourage social interaction.

Tackling Knife Crime
Knife crime is an obsenity which must be removed from our streets.

The tax system has become excessively complex through decades of government tinkering. This has seen the unhealthy growth of a corporate and personal tax-advisory sector, skilled in tax avoidance, which harms the financial well-being of the nation. TIME wishes to simplify tax assessment and collection via increased use of flat-rate taxes, creating a virtuous environment of clarity and integrity.

Following Brexit, the UK will once again beresponsible for its own trade competence and in a position to negotiate Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with countries all over the world. To this end, the Time Party believes that the size of the Department for International Trade should be increased substantially to enable the country to swiftly conclude agreements on both trade and inward investment. More than 40 non-EU countries have stated they want FTAs with the UK.

Transport systems throughout the UK are expensive to build and run, which leads to ever increasing ticket prices.
The Time Party will boost investment in road, rail and air infrastructure. This includes planned expansion at several of the UK's airports. We will seek to expand motorway width where possible. Rail freight will be encouraged.

Veterans Affairs
TIME is committed to the welfare of our veterans, and will ensure a dedicated government agency is established to safeguard their interests after their service to our country.

Voting System Reform
The Time Party believes that there is general popular support amongst the electorate for voting system reform. First-Past-the-Post no longer guarantees strong government and doesn't deliver true democracy.
The current system is dominated by dysfunctional establishment parties.
We seek change to a fairer, more representative system.