Our views separate us from the tired dinosaur parties.
Some blue-sky thinking, and some (un)common sense.
Here are our opinions on policy matters and on current events.

You think they work for you? Think again.
It’s time for trade associations to up their game!
Robert Kimbell : Saturday, Jun 20, 2020

Save the economy ? Extend VAT deferment
Businesses have another life-or-death crisis just around the corner. Many face failure because there's no cash left to pay VAT bills.
Tim Considine : Friday, Jun 19, 2020

Resume Critical and Specialist Care
The cure for the pandemic is starting to look worse than the disease, with more deaths and more suffering. We have to resume critical care NOW.
Tim Considine : Monday, Jun 15, 2020

Times are indeed changing
The economy of the UK will change out of all recognition. The results are likely to be long-lasting and affect every inhabitant of our wonderful country.
Robert Kimbell : Wednesday, Jun 10, 2020

We must prick the MSM bubble
A free society needs an independent trustworthy media. Not a collection of unregulated political activists.
Tim Considine : Monday, Jun 8, 2020

Get a Grip on Illegal Migration
Where is the Government's resolve to deal with Channel boat migration ? Words are cheap, action is sorely missing.
Tim Considine : Monday, Jun 1, 2020

Resuscitate the Economy
We all know #UKlockdown was vital. Key word : WAS. Now we have other bigger issues to deal with.
Tim Considine : Monday, May 18, 2020

Party Core Values
We’re often asked what’s different about the Time Party. Short answer : our Core Values.
Tim Considine : Friday, May 15, 2020

Block Huawei
The involvement of Huawei in the UK's 5G infrastructure is deeply controversial, and here's why we feel it should be blocked urgently.
Site Administrator : Wednesday, May 13, 2020