Our views separate us from the tired dinosaur parties.
Some blue-sky thinking, and some (un)common sense.
Here are our opinions on policy matters and on current events.

Where now the EU ?
Robert Kimbell, Chairman of the Time Party, talks about how other countries might re-consider their EU membership
Tim Considine : Saturday, Aug 29, 2020

Grades maketh not the person
The distress caused about exam grades is highly understandable. But it misses the point completely. They’re not actually that important. Ditch the angst. Feel the freedom.
Tim Considine : Saturday, Aug 22, 2020

Robert Kimbell introduces the Time Party
Why the Time Party was formed
Tim Considine : Wednesday, Aug 12, 2020

Save our High Streets
Who are the Planning Law changes going to benefit? Mostly, not you. Beware the double bluff.
Tim Considine : Monday, Aug 10, 2020

Time Party announces new Leader
Robert Kimbell takes on the role of Chairman, and Tim Considine (formerly Deputy Leader) takes on the role of Leader.
Site Administrator : Saturday, Aug 8, 2020

UK Hospitality – More than just a Pint
A vital sector employing MILLIONS and generating BILLIONS for the economy. Want to get back to normal ? Then support this sector and it will lead the recovery.
Martin Murray : Saturday, Jul 25, 2020

Stand Up for Emergency Workers
It’s time to stand up for our emergency workers, brought to their knees by political correctness. Time Party proposes that common assault and/or battery on any emergency worker, carries a MINIMUM not maximum tariff of 24 months in prison.
Julie Bishenden : Wednesday, Jul 15, 2020

Save British Brands
Inward investment is good when it brings new money and new jobs.
Raiding assets, stripping them and exporting critical functions overseas is not positive inward investment.
Robert Kimbell : Sunday, Jun 28, 2020

TIME to raise the education bar
B+. Could do a lot better. Low standards and doesn't maintain even these.
Robert Kimbell : Saturday, Jun 27, 2020

There is no greater fraud than
a promise not kept
Poor dear Scotland : we weep for how you’re being let down.
Tim Considine : Wednesday, Jun 24, 2020