Get a Grip on Illegal Migration
Tim Considine
Monday, June 1, 2020
Where is the Government's resolve to deal with Channel boat migration ? Words are cheap, action is sorely missing.

Perhaps, like me, you watch the seemingly relentless arrival of illegal immigrants on the south coast of England with increasing frustration.
Perhaps you recall the former Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, declaring illegal channel crossings a Major Incident in 2018.
Maybe, like me, you’ve listened to Priti Patel’s tough rhetoric and wonder why we’re still seeing record numbers arriving at Dover.
And I’ve no doubt that, like me, you’d like to know what happened to the £316 million to deter illegal immigration in Calais and the surrounding region (2010-2016) or why a 300 bed immigration removal centre was closed in Dover in 2015 with preference given to using … local hotels !
Over the years, we’ve signed up to numerous international and local treaties and pacts. Until we extricate ourselves completely from these ‘deals’, the unfortunate reality is that anyone picked up by the Border Force in the Channel has a very good chance of a permanent stay in the UK.
And they know it.
In fact they probably already know every loophole there is in our Asylum system and all the best ways to exploit it.
There is a veritable grey industry of immigration advisers, lawyers and well-meaning charities who effectively school migrants on how to “work the system”.
Nigel Farage has done much to highlight the channel crossings, pressing a reluctant media into action but perhaps he’s inadvertently done the government a favour. At the same time Nigel was stood on the cliffs at Dover, the latest of the 20,000 arrivals as part of the Syrian resettlement scheme were arriving by plane.
And why don’t we talk about familial or chain migration, itself a driver for the perilous channel crossings. Once one migrant is in & ensconced, family members follow. Between 2000-2018 this averaged a staggering 65,000 a year!
We, as a party, recognise the complexities and frustrations surrounding our Immigration and Asylum processes. In all probability so do the public servants working within them.
We’re appalled at the lack of transparency of recent governments and their unwillingness to engage with the public on more delicate topics, preferring to label an electorate who dare to raise serious concerns on the matter as racist or xenophobic
One thing is for certain.
Repeatedly throwing money at this issue will not solve the problem.
It’s our duty to talk about immigration, legal or otherwise.
It’s our duty to stop these dangerous crossings.
It’s our duty to become an independent nation, unfettered by international laws and treaties and unshackled from overbearing UN pacts.
And it’s time we elected a political party which is not afraid to do so.
Importantly, there will always be occasions when the granting of asylum is justified for political or other serious reasons. And we are not opposed to immigration ‘per se’. We are opposed to abuse of the system and government inaction.
Photo credit : Gerd Altman from Pixabay
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